News Archive

Victorian 2015 network tariffs approved

Dec 22, 2014

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved new tariffs for Victorian distributors to apply from 1 January 2015.  Network charges are regulated and comprise 40-55% of your annual electricity spend.

Network Region % increase
Citipower Melbourne CBD Significant increases of about 25% for commercial customers across the board.
Powercor Western Victoria 18% increase for commercial customers.
Jemena Melbourne North & North West Increases of just over 7% for larger commercial clients.
United Melbourne South East After mild CPI increases last year, this year increases are around 12% across all tariffs.
SP Ausnet Eastern Victoria Highly variable between the tariffs.  Smaller commercial customers can expect increases of 8.7%, while charges for medium commercial customers are overall similar to last year.  For larger commercial tariffs, one tariff shows decreases of 8% while the rest result in increases of 10-18%. 

For all customers who receive ongoing energy management services from us, we will review and optimise your tariffs every year.  This is a key part of our services as it ensures you are never paying more than you need to.

Contact Energy Intelligence to discuss how we can optimise your network charges.

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