When You First Move In
Welcome to your new home! At Energy Intelligence, we're here to ensure your transition into your apartment is smooth and hassle-free. As part of this process, it's essential to set up your electricity account promptly. Please contact us via email at connect@energyintel.com.au or call us on 1300 277 233 during business hours (9 am to 5 pm AEST/AEDT) to arrange the setup and ensure uninterrupted power supply to your apartment.
Your Apartment and the Safety Switch
Your apartment’s electrical switchboard is an important component located within your home. Easily accessible and recessed into the wall, it houses the main switch that controls various electrical circuits, safeguarding your appliances and ensuring their smooth operation.
As you settle into your new space, it's important to ensure your safety switch is in the ON position. Simply switch the main switch to ON along with the individual safety switches, allowing you to connect and use your appliances without any hassle.
What to Do if There Is a Fault
In the event of a safety switch tripping due to a faulty appliance or other reasons, don't worry! Follow these simple steps to troubleshoot the issue and get back to enjoying your home comforts in no time.
Should your safety switch trip for any reason, follow these steps:
- Switch off all General Purpose Outlet's (GPOs) and lights, then unplug all appliances.
- Reset the main safety switch and individual safety switch.
If the safety switch cannot be reset, contact a licensed electrician as a fault exists with either the wiring or the switch itself. - Turn on the GPOs one at a time or until the safety switch trips.
If the switch trips, you have found the faulty outlet. Talk to your leasing agent or your building manager. - Plug your appliances back into GPOs one at a time or until the safety switch trips.
If the switch trips, you have determined the cause of the fault. Take the faulty appliance to a qualified service centre for repairs.
For safety reasons, ensure adequate air space is left around the apartment switchboard. Do not store items in front of the switchboard.
Please note that a licensed electrician must be engaged to locate and fix any fault with the power supply or the switchboard.
Who to call
The number to contact for electrical faults for your building will be on your Energy Sales Agreement as well as the front of your monthly eBills.
For life-threatening emergencies or if you need urgent medical help, call Triple Zero (000). Triple Zero calls are free. If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment call 106.
If you have any queries, call Energy Intelligence on 1300 277 233 on business days between 9 am to 5 pm (AEST/AEDT).