Welcome to Energy Intelligence! We're committed to making energy simple and accessible for all our residential tenants. On this page, you'll find key information about your energy services, helpful resources, and updates tailored just for you. Whether you're looking to understand more about your energy usage, learn about available rebates, or explore ways to save, we're here to support you every step of the way.
Moving Out?
Remember to inform us if you are moving out of your premises so that we can issue a final bill for power you consume, not someone else’s. We require at least 3-business days' notice and a forwarding address for your bill, if you are moving permanently.

Residential tenants with eligible concession cards living in Embedded Networks may still qualify for energy concessions. Concession processes vary by state, so tenants in Victoria should apply directly with the Department of Human Services, while tenants in New South Wales should apply through Energy NSW.

Life Support Equipment
If a person living at your Premises requires Life Support Equipment, you must register the Premises with us. Contact us for more information or email your Medical Confirmation; a certification from a registered medical practitioner that a person residing or intending to reside at a customer’s premises requires life support equipment to support@energyintel.com.au.