News Archive

New Victorian network tariffs 2014

Dec 16, 2013

It's that time of the year again - from 1 January 2014 Victorian distribution network tariffs will change.  Network charges are regulated by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and comprise 40-55% of your annual electricity spend.

Network Region % increase
Citipower Melbourne CBD For larger customers increases of 4 to 7%.  Significant increases in daily charges for smaller customers.
Powercor Western Victoria Increases of 4 to 7 % - and like Citipower big jump in fixed charges for small customer categories.
Jemena Melbourne North & North West 3 to 5% increases.  For larger customer groups a reduction in peak usage rates but an increase in demand.
United Melbourne South East Increases around CPI.  Relatively static peak usage rates however all off peak rates are going up.
SP Ausnet Eastern Victoria Like last year, highly variable.  Larger customers will experience significant increases in peak demand rates, partially offset by capacity demand and shoulder/off peak usage reductions.


For all customers who receive ongoing energy management services from us, we will review and optimise your tariffs every year.  This ensures you are never paying more than you need to.

Contact Energy Intelligence to discuss how we can optimise your network charges.

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